
Toxicity in the Haikyuu! Fandom?!

Believe me, that title surprises me just as much as it probably does you. It’s not all of it, of course – more just like a few things I’ve noticed that are really prevalent when I watch those texting videos on YouTube.

  1. That stupid flat ass / flattykawa joke. Literally everyone in this anime is flat from most angles. There is no fucking point in singling out one character for something the animators decided to do. For manga readers, we know he ain’t flat. For anime-only fans…seriously? You know they all flat from most angles. Don’t single one character out just because you don’t like them.

    (I know I’m using this joke in particular, but that’s because seemingly everyone uses it and it was never funny to begin with. Every use of this joke is showing that you condone body shaming – because that’s what this joke is.)
  2. People making pre-timeskip 18+ stories about anyone that isn’t a third-year. You wanna write an 18+ story about KageHina, TsukiYama, TsukiHina, KenHina, or any combination that isn’t a third year with another third year (or second year)? Use the timeskip versions. Don’t sexualize literal children. I don’t like sexualizing the third-year kids much either but they’re all mostly 18 or close to it so seeing it won’t make me feel like a pedophile if I click it. (Yes, I like reading smut – that’s why my OTPs are all third-year only pairs. It’s also why I prefer KuroKen over KuroTsuki even if KuroTsuki is genuinely the only Tsukishima ship that I actually like.)
  3. People using sensitive topics for entertainment. If you’re gonna make a video using sensitive topics, make it in a way that doesn’t make people who actually experienced it feel like that there’s nobody who would try to understand and/or help them. (ex: I once came across bullying being used in a way that was meant to be comedic. It didn’t make me laugh. It just made me remember the time I was brought to tears because of insensitive schoolmates picking on me for my weight. I’ll admit that I most likely over-reacted…but the character getting picked on was clearly feeling offended, and if they were actually his friends, they should’ve stopped.)

    Long story short, if there’s even a minute chance that it’ll trigger somebody – don’t make it for shits and giggles, even something “minor” like bullying (since everyone seems to think it’s okay if it’s among friends but don’t bother to set boundaries). You want everyone to pick on a single character for whatever reason? Go right ahead. But if you don’t set boundaries, I want to see that character snap back and go off on them – because, then, and only then, will it actually be funny.

    Yes, I get off when people try to pick on someone only to get their own insecurities picked on. Karma’s a fucking bitch. (Just so y’all know, my favorite HQ texting videos involve Oikawa finally snapping back since he’s the butt of almost every joke. Go off, grand king!)

I’m not gonna apologize for 2/3 of this rant being me coming to Oikawa’s defense.

Damn you, Falcom (more like NISA)

Is it really that difficult to do a multi-platform localized release? You did in with Danganronpa V3. It shouldn’t be too difficult to do the same with Cold Steel IV in the future. Cold Steel III came out on the Switch several months after it was released on the Playstation 4 – nearly half a year, if I remember correctly. What made it worse was that your own site said that the release date would be SPRING of 2020 when I initially pre-ordered the game in February…and I received at the end of June.

I mean. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing to wait. I could perfectly understand it if you had done the same with DRV3 since it wouldn’t make me expect the different platforms to have the same release date. I would even understand if you were a smaller company.

Honestly, I don’t expect you to do it for every game. However, I will expect it for Cold Steel IV for one reason only. Having already localized Cold Steel III for the Switch, it shouldn’t take nearly as long to localize the direct sequel.

Then again, I don’t make games. What do I know? Y’all can ignore me. This is just me ranting.